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A day at play!!

Daycare as with all aspects of childhood is a period to grow and explore. Each child, infant or toddler grows at their own pace. Each day ahead is an unwritten page of a beautiful life waiting to happen. A life full of promise and love, the love from parents, family and all care givers create learning moments and memories that make a child become who they will be.

Here we focus on growing by exploring and above all being free to create and get messy. A child's desire to touch, taste, use and smell everything around them gives them a sense of security and fosters their imagination. Here children play freely, join in when others are doing projects and crafts, dance when we play music or sit quietly working on their own. Their options are endless, always open and changing!

Outside play is important daily, weather permitting of course. Great Esker Park is 2 homes away and a wonderful place to experience nature. We picnic, play ball, etc and the older kids bring ride-on toys there too. The children have fun and learn from everything they do. Everyday is full of new learning experiences.

Playtime, stories, hugs and kisses are all included in the childhood recipe for success!!

Here is an example of a day at play..

7am Drop offs and free play begin

8am Puzzles, sorting blocks or time with ABC flash cards

9am Last drop off and we begin our day

9:15 Morning snack, clean up and hand washing

9:30 Story time or planned activity such as Sand art

10am Weather permitting outside to play, take a walk, play with chalk or swings etc. Inside: Games or Musical instruments

11:30 Prepare and eat a healthy lunch together

12:15 Wash up and take a nap

2:30 Wake up!! Potty time and diaper changes

2:45 Snack time..brush teeth and clean up

3:00 Outside again!! Maybe bring out paints!!

4:00 Free play, coloring, story time, seasonal projects etc.

4:30 Toys away, everyone helps pick up. Time to unwind for days end

5:15 Last pick up of the day.

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